Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition)
Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso
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188 lines
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "GSettings"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = True
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Option Explicit
Public Enum EErrorSettings
eeBaseSettings = 13600 ' Settings
End Enum
Const sSep = ","
Const sWinSection = "Window List"
Const sCtlSection = "Control List"
Sub RestoreWindow(ByVal hWnd, sTitle As String)
Dim sValue As String, f As Integer
sValue = GetSetting(App.ExeName, sWinSection, sTitle, sEmpty)
' Quit if no entry
If sValue = sEmpty Then Exit Sub
Dim wp As WINDOWPLACEMENT, iPos As Integer
wp.showCmd = Val(MParse.GetToken(sValue, sSep))
If IsWindowVisible(hWnd) = False Then
wp.showCmd = SW_HIDE
End If
' wp.Flags = 0 (no flags required)
wp.ptMinPosition.x = Val(MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep))
wp.ptMinPosition.y = Val(MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep))
wp.ptMaxPosition.x = Val(MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep))
wp.ptMaxPosition.y = Val(MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep))
wp.rcNormalPosition.Left = Val(MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep))
wp.rcNormalPosition.Top = Val(MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep))
wp.rcNormalPosition.Right = Val(MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep))
wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom = Val(MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep))
' Remember to set length
wp.length = Len(wp)
' Send all your settings to the system
f = SetWindowPlacement(hWnd, wp)
End Sub
Sub SaveWindow(ByVal hWnd, sTitle As String)
Dim sValue As String, f As Boolean
' First set type length for Windows
wp.length = Len(wp)
' Get coordinates and other data about the window
f = GetWindowPlacement(hWnd, wp)
' Read and use the data
sValue = wp.showCmd & ","
sValue = sValue & wp.ptMinPosition.x & ","
sValue = sValue & wp.ptMinPosition.y & ","
sValue = sValue & wp.ptMaxPosition.x & ","
sValue = sValue & wp.ptMaxPosition.y & ","
sValue = sValue & wp.rcNormalPosition.Left & ","
sValue = sValue & wp.rcNormalPosition.Top & ","
sValue = sValue & wp.rcNormalPosition.Right & ","
sValue = sValue & wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom
SaveSetting App.ExeName, sWinSection, sTitle, sValue
End Sub
Sub ClearWindowSetting(sTitle As String)
DeleteSetting App.ExeName, sWinSection, sTitle
End Sub
' These could have been implemented with Form properties, but
' API does a better job of handling minimized and maximized windows.
' Call only in Form_Load before Show
#If fComponent Then
Sub RestoreForm(frm As Object, Optional sTitle As String)
Sub RestoreForm(frm As Form, Optional sTitle As String)
#End If
If sTitle = sEmpty Then sTitle = frm.Caption
RestoreWindow frm.hWnd, sTitle
End Sub
' Call only in Form_Unload when form is closing
#If fComponent Then
Sub SaveForm(frm As Object, Optional sTitle As String)
Sub SaveForm(frm As Form, Optional sTitle As String)
#End If
If sTitle = sEmpty Then sTitle = frm.Caption
SaveWindow frm.hWnd, sTitle
End Sub
#If fComponent Then
Sub ClearFormSetting(frm As Object, Optional sTitle As String)
Sub ClearFormSetting(frm As Form, Optional sTitle As String)
#End If
If sTitle = sEmpty Then sTitle = frm.Caption
DeleteSetting App.ExeName, sWinSection, sTitle
End Sub
#If fComponent Then
Sub RestoreCtl(ctl As Object, sTitle As String)
Sub RestoreCtl(ctl As Control, sTitle As String)
#End If
With ctl
Dim sValue As String, s As String, i As Long
sValue = GetSetting(App.ExeName, sCtlSection, sTitle, sEmpty)
' Quit if no entry
If sValue = sEmpty Then Exit Sub
' Set left and top while in normal mode
On Error Resume Next
.Left = MParse.GetToken(sValue, sSep)
.Top = MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep)
.Width = MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep)
.Height = MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep)
.Enabled = MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep)
.Visible = MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep)
s = .Caption
If Err = 0 Then .Caption = MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep)
i = .BackColor
If Err = 0 Then .BackColor = MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep)
i = .ForeColor
If Err = 0 Then .ForeColor = MParse.GetToken(sEmpty, sSep)
' Enhance to restore anything else you saved
End With
End Sub
#If fComponent Then
Sub SaveCtl(ctl As Object, sTitle As String)
Sub SaveCtl(ctl As Control, sTitle As String)
#End If
With ctl
Dim sValue As String, s As String, i As Long
On Error Resume Next
sValue = sValue & .Left & "," & .Top & ","
sValue = sValue & .Width & "," & .Height & ","
sValue = sValue & .Enabled & ","
sValue = sValue & .Visible & ","
s = .Caption
If Err = 0 Then sValue = sValue & .Caption & ","
i = .BackColor
If Err = 0 Then sValue = sValue & .BackColor & ","
i = .ForeColor
If Err = 0 Then sValue = sValue & .ForeColor & ","
' Enhance to save anything else you need
SaveSetting App.ExeName, sCtlSection, sTitle, sValue
End With
End Sub
' Add more save and restore functions:
' SaveFont/RestoreFont
' SaveTextBox/RestoreTextBox
#If fComponent = 0 Then
Private Sub ErrRaise(e As Long)
Dim sText As String, sSource As String
If e > 1000 Then
sSource = App.ExeName & ".Settings"
Select Case e
Case eeBaseSettings
BugAssert True
' Case ee...
' Add additional errors
End Select
Err.Raise COMError(e), sSource, sText
' Raise standard Visual Basic error
sSource = App.ExeName & ".VBError"
Err.Raise e, sSource
End If
End Sub
#End If